Artist-researcher, multimedia artist, choreographer and performer, Tiago Amate
investigates (im)possible relationships between dancing bodies and moving images. Their videodance projects relate experimental cinema, cinema as dispositif and perspectives in contemporary dance, including Aloka das Américas (2014-2019), Dissídios Cósmicos (2021) and Uma fuga para Urano (2021). Having studied at the  Fundação Cultural do Estado da Bahia (2017), Salvador, their creative processes bring together references from artistic residencies and workshops at Brazilian festivals such as Panorama (RJ), Conexão Dança (MA) and Contato Coletivo (PE). They currently reside in Lisbon, Portugal, where they have participated in the work and workshops of Marcelo Evelin, Elisabete Finger, Cristian Duarte and Volmir Cordeiro, in partnership with Casa de Dança de Almada, sometimes as part of Transborda Festival’s program (2022-2023). In 2023, they presented Desabar (To Fall Over), a performance by Marina Dubia, at the Overgaden gallery (CPH), the same year in which they began their investigations for the Coma Berenices transdisciplinary project. With a degree in Communication (UnB), Cinema & Audiovisual (UFF) and a master's degree in Dance (UFBA), they are currently developing their practice-based research in the PhD in Performing Arts and Moving Image at the University of Lisbon.